Undercover Design Hacking: A POD Design Strategy For Everyone

"Joe Robert is the founder of POD Ninjas and has been selling print on demand items on Shopify since 2016. POD Ninjas students have now made almost $5 million on their own stores following these strategies."

Hey! If you're reading this blog.. it's probably true that you're looking to start a successful print on demand store 😉

It's also probably true, that you're looking for some help

Now, I have LOTS of free content like this

And I really hope it's helpful to you...

I can only put out so much content, but the real way I help people is by working WITH them in their print on demand business

That happens in my live workshops

My next one is starting Monday, it's called the "Build Your Brand Challenge"

For less than the cost of a pizza... you can join me and get personalized help to create a best selling product!


>> Want personal help to create 'winning' products to build your POD brand around? Click here to work with me, it's only $5 in my brand new training!! <<

Now, in this blog - I will teach you about the strategies I use to create best selling print on demand designs

I've used them for the past 2 years to create a full time income from my POD stores

 How important is a great design for a print on demand store?

That’s like asking how important great food is to a restaurant…

 Or like how important cheese is for cheeseburgers…

Or lemons for lemonade…

Get the point?

I’ve never met anyone who succeeded with print on demand, that didn’t have great designs in their store.

 What if there was a way for you to easily create best selling designs?

 For my clients – there is.

 Because we use a process called undercover design hacking – it’s how we ethically steal best selling design ideas from our competitors.

 Before we break that down in more depth, it’s important to understand what a great design looks like...

 As well as, some of the other things that could impact the success.

 Meaning, no matter how good the design is – if the niche sucks, it won’t sell.

 Or if the design is awesome, but it’s on a saturated product – it will be tough to sell.

 Print on demand success is about creating ‘winning products’

This means having the perfect combination of niche, product choice & design

For this blog, we’re only focusing on design

(Even though lots of people fail because they choose bad niches or products to sell too)

So what makes a design – great?

Some people ask questions like..

“Joe – should my designs have text only, graphics only… or both!?”

I usually reply and say, “it depends”

Some people say, “Joe… is a busy design better than a simple one? Or will people want to buy a more plain looking design more?”

I usually reply again and say, “it depends”

Would you call something like this "busy"... or just full, and good?

Badass Wild Biker 3D Hoodies For Men And Women All Over Print - Iwantees

I would say it's good. Not busy. What about this one?

I'd say it's a little more on the 'busier/cluttered' side...

A great design is like a cup of coffee… You know it’s good when you taste it.

Meaning, there’s not really an objective way to judge print on demand designs..

Some of them have lots of text 

Some of them have no text

Some of them are simple

Some of them are busy

Here’s a tip: Your design should be immediately recognizable to your audience

This means – that you need to make sure your niche recognizes that the design is for them.

How do you do this?

You include niche specific shapes, images, colors & quotes in the design.

You could refer to these as ‘design ingredients’ 

The ‘building blocks of a design’ if you will…

So many people over complicate designs – they get overwhelmed trying to come up with the whole thing… 

A better option would be to first brainstorm these design ingredients..

And then later determine how they will be arranged on your products!

This is where ‘Undercover Design Hacking’ is so important…

Being able to ethically steal best selling design ideas… and turn them into your own. 

Now, here’s a quick side note: I’m not telling you to copy others work.

What I’m saying is to do research within your niche

Find things that are selling. 

And make your own versions of them based on the design ingredients for your niche

A lot of times it’s as simple as taking a best selling design that you find online, and adapting it to a different product!

Or taking two, or three best selling designs that you find and putting them together!

My students have made about $5 million in sales on their stores following my ‘winning product’ strategies… 

So what are next steps for you?

  • Make a list of design ingredients for your niche (Your shapes, colors, images & quotes)
  • Begin to do research on platforms and websites for best selling print on demand designs
  • You can even search places like Pinterest for lots of quotes you can use on your designs
  • And then design hack the designs you found.

Basically, start swapping the design ingredients on the existing designs you find, with the design ingredients that you have on your list!

Let's say you wanted to sell to the gardening niche, and you found this product here as an example to use for your design hack.


The first thing I would want you to notice is how things are arranged.

Basically, the design framework.

Some text on the top, and on the bottom.

With some graphics in the middle.

Or what about this one?

Again, pay attention to where stuff is.

And, what other sort of elements are present

For this one, there's a border.

We also have some primary text with the persons name as a focal point.

With a wheel barrow below it with some chickens.

As well as a few quotes.

Your goal with design hacking is to use the frameworks (how everything is arranged) to make your own completely new version for your own store.

What you want to do, is change the quotes, and changes the design ingredients (shapes & images) to create a new design using the existing framework.

Now, if you’re someone that wants help with this, that’s where I wanna take a quick commercial break here – and invite you to the "Build Your Brand Challenge"

We are starting soon – and tickets are selling fast 

*I limit the amount of people that can sign up because of how much time I spend giving feedback to everyone

During the workshop, you will work directly with me on planning out your POD brand


You’ll even complete daily homework to make sure you stay on track.

After you sign up, you'll join a private Facebook group where you will get direct access to me, personalized guidance and more!

>> Want personal help to create 'winning' products to build your POD brand around? Click here to work with me, it's only $5 in my brand new training!! <<


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