3 Ways To FIX Failing Facebook Ads

Hey gang - Joe Robert here,

I get this question all of the time....

"Joe... what do I do when my Facebook ads aren't working?"

I assume when they say "not working" that they're not getting sales, and they're trying to figure out what's going wrong.

In this blog article, I will tell you 3 things you can do when a Facebook ad isn't making sales!

>> Want a complete guide to my Facebook ads strategy? Click here to get my POD Ads Blueprint now <<

So before you can even begin to fix something with your Facebook ads, you need to figure out if the ads are actually broken.

If it's not generating traffic, or the traffic that you are getting isn't converting or adding to cart - you may have an issue.

1) Your audience is no good.

One of the biggest reasons a Facebook ad doesn't work is because the audience you've build doesn't actually contain people that would be interested in your product.

This is because the interests you've chosen aren't specific enough.

Here's an example.

Let's say you're targeting golf lovers, and you're using Tiger woods as one of your interests.

Sounds like a good idea right?

Except it's not.

Because even people that don't LOVE golf, may be placed into that interest because Tiger Woods is so popular.

The same is true in whatever niche you're in.

Some of the interests are just too common, and are those that don't actually contain the type of people you want to see your ad.

To find better interests you will have to get creative, think outside the box and really figure out what people in your niche are into.

2) Your video or image ad doesn't clearly show the design.

So many people launch REALLY poorly done ad images and videos.

Look at this one for example...

This image is not doing you any favors...

Meaning, - there's nothing here that's going to compel someone to click on it.

Now, let's look at this one.

Which one do you think would work better?

I think we both know the answer.

Using generic images, like the ones from the POD app you're using just aren't going to cut it...

3) Wrong strategy

Let's face it.

One of the easiest ways to fail with Facebook ads is to have a bad strategy.

So many of the "Lamborghini gurus" on YouTube make all of these crazy videos talking about these massive budget strategies to test products but the thing is none of that is actually necessary

>> Click here to see the strategy my students have used to generate $2 million on their stores in the last 18 months <<

My strategy is simple.

It hasn't had to change for years.


Because it works.

No fancy names.

Low budget.

Results focuses.

First, we do a PPE test. This is an ad that uses the engagement objective within Facebook to get people to like and share the ad.

"But what about sales Joe I'm trying to make $$$"

Hold on a sec!

This is just to test.

We use a $1 daily budget with these ads and if the results are good, we launch a new campaign with the conversion objective.

For a PPE test, a passing test has a cost per engagement of under $.05, a unique ctr of 20% or higher - and link clicks.

If you have a passing test that means your audience contains the type of people you're trying to target.

From there, you launch a conversion campaign.

Once you launch it, the most important thing is making sure that it's generating traffic for you.

If it is, then keep it on.

If link clicks are too expensive (over $2) turn it off.

Still no sales?

Refer to the first two bullets here, your audience, and your ad image.

Good luck!


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